Tag Archives: History

Using information from the four websites, the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Famous and Infamous People (N. Brasch) and They Made Australia - Our Nation Builders (Simone Bradfield), collect facts and add them to the correct box in SIR HENRY PARKES RETRIEVAL CHART.  Please save your table first to the collaborative drive folder labelled 5E Parkes with the names of your group.  Don't forget to save regularly so that you don't lose any of your facts by accident.

The table has three columns - QUESTIONS, ANSWERS and SOURCES OF INFORMATION. Locate your answer and then check at least one other source to make sure that it is correct before recording in the ANSWER box.  In the SOURCES OF INFORMATION box copy and paste the two sources you used, using the list at the bottom of the retrieval chart table.

Stage 3 students will be investigating how authors use intertextuality to deepen the meaning of the text for the reader by referencing other stories, films, poetry and art works. Check out the poems found in Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl and the paintings in The short and incredibly happy life of Riley by Colin Thompson. Research these art works Self-Portrait 1889 by Vincent Van Gogh, Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, The two cherubs (The Sistine Madonna) by Raphael and The Scream by Edvard Munch, recording in which museum or gallery they are found, the city and country as well as finding out the artists' birth and death dates to discover if they had a short or long life. Be precise with the keywords you use in your search engine, e.g. if you put in self -portrait by Vincent van Gogh you will find dozens of them!